Parto Balazadeh on Leading Learners Blog

Feb 13, 2022

Do You Procrastinate? What Do You Do To Prevent Yourself From Procrastinating?

The world has undoubtedly evolved into something we may not have ever imagined.

With the rise of the pandemic, families all around the globe were restricted to the perimeters of their homes. As such, many students found to have fallen out of their comfortable, productive habits.

Everybody developed a new hobby or interest of some sorts, and may have even gotten a little too attached to that. It can be difficult to shift back into the routines we had prior.

Procrastinating can root from different factors.

To ease into a task, without the power of procrastination, students should separate the tasks into achievable, smaller mini-tasks. Oftentimes, the big picture can be overwhelming and all the more reason for students to avoid it. By breaking down each step, it becomes easier to tackle the obstacles and move forward.

Another note worth mentioning would be to ensure students are surrounded by a dedicated study space. If a task is set to accomplish on a bed -which can be associated with sleeping or watching movies ⏤ distractions will become an inevitable factor.

Also, it has proven to be helpful to reach out to a trusted adult or friend, and inform them of the goals that have been set in place. If they are inclined, they can reach out as well and ask about the progress within a project.

In the end, students should take advantage of all resources available to them for establishing an easy-going and comfortable atmosphere for studying. 

A Snapshot Of The History Of Educational Technology
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