How Has Technology Helped Students In The New Era?

Shubh Patel on Leading Learners Blog

Feb 13, 2022

How Has Technology Helped Students In The New Era?

Many students cannot begin to fathom going back to school without their phones in their pockets or their tablets in their backpacks.

Although millennials often claim that this generation is spoiled with all this new technology, it is this same technology that allows the world to advance.

It is the same technology that allows you to check the weather, set an alarm and listen to music with the press of a button.

Inside the classroom, technology has helped students develop skills in regards to problem-solving, communication and initiative. With the world-wide-web being available to almost every student around the world, building problem-solving skills comes seamlessly for a lot of Generation Z learners.

At times, simply asking Google will not answer one’s question. Many students are wired to look through various sources and multiple searches within just a few minutes to find an answer to their question.

It is this deep understanding of the internet and search engines that allow students nowadays to find answers to questions that they would have never been able to find before!

In addition, technology has allowed students to increase communication outside of the classroom. With applications such as Google Classroom, Edmodo and Slack taking elements from messaging apps such as Instagram and Snapchat, outside of the classroom communication has never been easier.

Being able to connect to peers and teachers at any time allows students to take the initiative to ask questions and solidify their understanding of course content.

All in all, the introduction of technology to this new generation is filled with benefits such as increased research, problem-solving and communication skills, just to name a few.

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