How Has Technology Helped Students In The New Era?

Jonah King on Leading Learners Blog

Feb 24, 2022

The Positives And Negatives Of LinkedIn For Students

Linkedin can be a crucial tool in building your professional appearance. The multitude of features it offers can land you a job you may have never considered.

However, as with other social media, Linkedin can instill a negative mindset around career development.

The unfortunate truth about Linkedin is that users only see their peers and colleagues' career highlights, but never the low points or times of failure.

This sets a professional standard so exceedingly high that many may assume they are underperforming, no matter how much time and energy they devote to their job.

It can be demoralizing to see the lofty heights your colleague from a couple of years back has reached since last seeing them. Of course, you'll still congratulate them on their achievements, but there is always that sense of jealousy that it could've been you.

With that being said, there are wonderful aspects that have made Linkedin the most popular networking app available. For instance, the sheer size of the user base allows you to reach out to firms and organizations you may find intriguing, only to be offered a position at a later time since you had talked with their Manager of HR early that month.

The ability to share innovative projects, thought-provoking data, and market-disrupting technologies is invaluable in bringing the spotlight towards ideas that excite you.

Finally, the ability to host virtual conferences, trade shows, and training events with attendees from around the world who share a passion for your event is a highlight of the platform.

A Snapshot Of The History Of Educational Technology
By Leading Learners 18 Feb, 2023
Educational technology has a long and fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. The development of educational technology has been driven by a desire to improve the quality and effectiveness of education, and it has undergone many changes and advancements over the years. In this article, we'll explore the history of educational technology and its evolution from its early beginnings to the present day.
The Benefits Of Educational Technology For At-Home Learning
By Leading Learners 18 Feb, 2023
With the recent shift towards remote and at-home learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, educational technology tools have become more important than ever. These tools provide students with a way to continue their education and achieve their academic goals, even when they are unable to attend school in person. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of educational technology tools for at-home learning.
The Benefits Of Educational Technology For Parents
By Leading Learners 18 Feb, 2023
In today's digital age, educational technology tools are becoming increasingly popular for parents with students. These tools are designed to help students learn and achieve their academic goals, and they provide numerous benefits for both students and parents. In this article, we'll explore why educational technology tools are essential for parents with students and how they can help enhance the learning experience.
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